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6th Generation Kalos Pokémon

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roussil,rutena,テールナー,테르나,長尾火狐 / 长尾火狐
It has a twig stuck in its tail. With friction from its tail fur, it sets the twig on fire and launches into battle.
generation kalos [6]
Type fire
height 3. 03"
weight 32.0 lbs
category Fox
abilities Blaze
weaknesses water, ground, rock
colimucus,viscargot,ヌメイル,미끄네일,黏美兒 / 黏美儿
The swirly protrusion on its back is filled with all its vital organs, such as its brain and heart.
generation kalos [6]
Type dragon
height 2. 07"
weight 38.6 lbs
category Soft Tissue
abilities Hydration
weaknesses fairy, ice, dragon
sepiatop,iscalar,マーイーカ,오케이징,好啦魷 / 好啦鱿
It spins while making its luminescent spots flash. These spots allow it to communicate with others by using different patterns of light.
generation kalos [6]
Type dark psychic
height 1. 04"
weight 7.7 lbs
category Revolving
abilities Suction Cups
weaknesses fairy, bug
flingouste,scampisto,ウデッポウ,완철포,鐵臂槍蝦 / 铁臂枪虾
This Pokémon launches water by detonating gas inside its right claw. It snipes flying Pokémon.
generation kalos [6]
Type water
height 1. 08"
weight 18.3 lbs
category Water Gun
abilities Mega Launcher
weaknesses grass, electric
sonistrelle,ef-em,オンバット,음뱃,嗡蝠 / 嗡蝠
This Pokémon emits ultrasonic waves from its large ears to search for fruit to eat. It mistakes Applin for its food.
generation kalos [6]
Type flying dragon
height 1. 08"
weight 17.6 lbs
category Sound Wave
abilities Frisk
weaknesses fairy, rock, ice , dragon
chevroum,chevrumm,ゴーゴート,고고트,坐騎山羊 / 坐骑山羊
It can sense the feelings of others by touching them with its horns. This species has assisted people with their work since 5,000 years ago.
generation kalos [6]
Type grass
height 5. 07"
weight 200.6 lbs
category Mount
abilities Sap Sipper
weaknesses fire, flying, ice, poison, bug
kravarech,tandrak,ドラミドロ,드래캄,毒藻龍 / 毒藻龙
Using a liquid poison, Dragalge indiscriminately attacks anything that wanders into its territory. This poison can corrode the undersides of boats.
generation kalos [6]
Type poison dragon
height 5. 11"
weight 179.7 lbs
category Mock Kelp
abilities Poison Point
weaknesses psychic, ground, ice, dragon
sapereau,scoppel,ホルビー,파르빗,掘掘兔 / 掘掘兔
It excels at digging holes. Using its ears, it can dig a nest 33 feet deep in one night.
generation kalos [6]
Type normal
height 1. 04"
weight 11.0 lbs
category Digging
abilities Pickup
weaknesses fighting
ptyranidur,balgoras,チゴラス,티고라스,寶寶暴龍 / 宝宝暴龙
This is an ancient Pokémon, revived in modern times. It has a violent disposition, and it’ll tear apart anything it gets between its hefty jaws.
generation kalos [6]
Type rock dragon
height 2. 07"
weight 57.3 lbs
category Royal Heir
abilities Strong Jaw
weaknesses steel, fighting, dragon, ice, fairy, ground
pérégrain,puponcho,コフーライ,분떠도리,粉蝶蛹 / 粉蝶蛹
If Rufflet attacks this Pokémon by pecking at it, it will retaliate with its sharp fur and poisonous black powder.
generation kalos [6]
Type bug
height 1. 00"
weight 18.5 lbs
category Scatterdust
abilities Shed Skin
weaknesses fire, flying, rock
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